People that were and used to blog about their careers, make up, other stuff and then they have a baby and its SUDDENLY all about the baby. I follow this one specific person who I adore as a make up artist and fashion loving chick...Very recently shes had a baby (5 weeks ago) and EVERY SINGLE DAY shes blogging about her, and updates every week(i.e., im 3/4/5/ weeks old today!!) I mean really, I adore my children. And I celebrate when they have milestones. But truly, its irritating and sickening that shes like this...
This isn't her first baby either. Its her 4th. HER FOURTH. I understand that every child is a blessing, but, honestly, before when she would write blogs, I would hurry to read them because they'd be about fashion and make up and the, its very rarely about that...NOW, its ALL about her new baby and her other kids...And i could see it happening when she was pregnant...Don't get me wrong, I still adore her, but honestly, its sickening how she is updating EVERY day/week...yes, there are people that want to know, yes babies are a blessing, but honestly I feel that people that take pics every five seconds of their kids and exclaim over EVERY little thing (i.e. OOOh, look, they're making spit bubbles, isn't that cute? Awww, now look, shes/hes turning his/her head...awww how cute how cute how cute how cute........) BLECHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....
DO we REALLY need to know EVERY single detail about this? The only place I have pictures of my girls is on my facebook which is SO private that you cant even find me unless I give you the direct link and I know you PERSONALLY. I honestly cant understand people that splash their kids all over the internet!!! Don't they know what could happen? Don't they know that there are perverts out there? ESPECIALLY someone like her, who is and was in the spotlight on a daily basis. Shes a very known and popular guru and make up artist in L.A. California. She doesn't need to be splashing her baby's picture all over the place...
Shes mentioned that the father of her other kids has made it explicitly clear that HIS kids (not the same father as the baby) are NOT to be shown on the internet....for the exact reason that I mentioned....Her older boy is 14 and she shows him more often then not here lately, but she just blogged about the fact that she had to edit out a video because his EAR was in it and he didnt want to be shown...Smart kid.
I cant stand people that feel the need to ooh and ahh and coo and update people every 5 seconds of what their kids are doing, or what THEY are doing...
An ex friend of mine would update her facebook and myspace status EVERY 5 MINUTES. Im not kidding. Like people actually CARED what she was doing EVERY 5 minutes. And it was always puke inducing wretching updates..."Relaxing with my baby then who knows..." Five minutes later "cooking for my hunny, then we (insert whatever here)"........OR "kids are (insert whatever they're doing in THIS five minutes here)"...then 5 minutes later the cycle starts all over again...............its puke inducing. AND highly irritating. NOBODY NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE DOING EVERY FIVE FRIGGIN MINUTES.
And when we were friends, I told her this, on many occasions, people often agreeing with me on her posts that it was ridiculous that shed be updating every 5 minutes....and shed keep doing it....Of course, this is also the same girl that lived with us for 7 months with her wretched bratty horribly behaved uncontrollable spawns of Satan (and I don't believe in Satan so thats saying something)...then she moved out in the end of February last year and promptly started sleeping with her husband's (yes, i said HUSBAND because they weren't divorced yet...she hadnt even STARTED divorce preceedings against him yet) 1/2 brother whom she is now engaged too.
People are laughing at her, calling her white trash, trailer trash, redneck and any other thing you could think of to call someone who does this. Me and my friends have a nickname for her.......a few actually.........PPT, Psycho Babble, Slut of West Virginia, Drama llama (because she ALWAYS ALWAYS AAAAAALLLLWWAAAAYYYSSS has *some* sort of drama going on, hence why I stopped being friends with her, on top of the CONTINUOUS mistakes she keeps making over and over and over again and not listening to SOUND advice from friends), Creator of BUDS (Baby Uncle Daddy Syndrome...see above story about screwing her childs fathers brother and youll get it), and all kinds of others...
She HONESTLY thinks that what shes doing is "just fine" and that everyone around her thinks is just fabulous...yeah, ok, riiiiiiiiight...thats why the grandmother, mother and stepfather of her now exhusband and his half brother (whos now her fiance) kicked her, HIM and her 3 brats out onto the street right? And shes now living (at last check) with her EX husband, his girlfriend and their kid.
Yeah, her life is "SO wonderful" and people dont have a problem with it??? MMMhmmmm...spare me.
So, thats just a little of what irritates me.
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