November 04, 2011

One sided Friendships...

Double crap on a stick.ok, seriously now.....One of my witnesses for Monday just had something come up and I NEED one of my "friends" to help me out here...The one who actually stepped up but then who had to cancel barely knows me and STILL said shed do it (before she had to cancel due to conflicting schedules)...I find it really hard to believe that out of EVERYONE of my friends on my "friends" list in Rhode Island, out of EVERYONE that think s I'm SO awesome, NO ONE is willing to fucking help me.....NO ONE can take a simple couple of hours out of their day to help me??? If someone asked ME to help, I totally would, because ya know, thats the kinda GOOD friend I am...

Yea, dont ask ME for anymore favors because Ill tell ya to go kick rocks....Im done with being on the shitty receiving end of the one-sided-part-time-only-when-YOU-want-something friend.

And people wonder why I want to get out of this fucking state and go home to where my REAL TRUE honest to god friends are.......of all my "friends" on this site that live here, they only reach out to me when THEY want something and cant help when *I* actually need something...I NEVER ask for help. I asked for help for somewhere to bury my poor guinea pig that died yesterday and NOT ONE of you reached out with at least an IM SORRY....we lost a fucking pet and everyone stayed silent....

I cant believe with all the positivity that I spread, with all the motivational crap that I post, all the comments I leave, all the time I take out of my day to reach out to "friends", all the free hair cuts, free make up, free this, free that....All the everything that Ive ever done for someone and ask for NOTHING in return and I get nothing when Ive asked for help..............Im beginning to realize that with the EXCEPTION of a few people, NONE of you are actually "FRIENDS"..............You're acquaintances...If that pisses you off, Im sorry.

Actually, no, Im not. Ive just had it with everyone who claims to be my friend and who thinks that Im this awesome woman and blah blah blah....All's I hear is "ONESIDEDFRIENDSHIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPP"...

So....from this moment on, I will be KEEPING people that I believe to be ONLY MY TRUE HONEST TO GODDESS FRIENDS...Who have actually done for me, been there for me, as I have for them...

If ya dont like it, you can kiss my ass...

Im fucking done.

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