November 08, 2010

So today...

I woke up to the first snow of the season...Really?! It wasnt much but it remains that we have some how skipped over fall completely and went head first into Winter...And this should be a tell tale sign of how brutal this season will be...

I took my girls out to the store to get some food and low and behold, it was so cold, I am glad that I layered them and myself up and bundled them up into their winter coats, stockings, jeans, socks, shirt, sweatshirts and shoes....As I did so, I heard the wind whipping FURIOUSLY through the trees in my (its a parking lot pretty much that has trees in it)...I shook my head and braced myself for a bitter coldness that I was not prepared for this early in November...Thanksgiving yes...perhaps the first week in December....but NOW?! REALLY?! Ugh...

Though I cant really expect it not to be this cold now. Three years ago next month, on Lilia's 5th birthday, we had a blizzard hit this state so large, it shut down all of Providence for the entire night into the next buses unable to drop kids off, there fore wreaking havoc on parents, causing panic amongst them...Heres hoping that if we ever get another blizzard so big, they'll shut down the schools faster and activate the National Guard faster unlike they did that year. Kids were on some school buses until 1130, with no places to use the bathroom or eat. I would have been panicked! It took the pizza delivery guy 3 and a half hours to get here from a 2 minute drive away. He eventually had to park and WALK to our house from Valley Street (about 4 blocks) to get Lilia's birthday pizza here. Yeah, he got a $10 tip for that one.

So, considering today is November 8th and it is freezing and it snowed this morning, I am ready for a brutal brutal Winter...especially since this summer wasn't all that bad.


On another note...From the mouths of babes...

When we were coming out of the store, and I was wrangling the girls out to the car while pushing the cart and holding Julias hand, Holli, my ever inquisitive one, asked me why people littered. I simply told her that not everyone cares about Mother Earth...To then which she replied "But, WHY Mama?" I told her "well, becaue baby, not everybody was raised to..." "Like we were?" She said..."Right were raised to care and not to litter." I replied...

It brings to mind how people are raised today...Why DONT more people care about this earth? It is in fact where we live and have to live for the rest of our lives...Why dont more people give a rats ass about the surroundings they live in? I have had people tell me that they dont care about "this mud ball..." and that theyll be "long gone by the time all the trash builds up..."

Well, truth be told, the "TRASH" is building up alot faster then we think...They are running out of room in Landfills and it scares me to think of where they will put all the trash that they collect every week after they do. I am honestly scared for my great grand children and beyond....This earth wont be the same as it was when I was growing up and now, when my girls are growing....Goddess help us all when Mother Earth decided to implode due to peoples ignorance of how they treat her...


  1. makes me glad we're easing into Fall here on the shore! :)

  2. youre so lucky. I cant stand the skipping of fall!!! :( its my favorite time of year...

    BTW, Im editing this as we speak to add more to it because of a conversation that me and Holli had earlier coming out of the grocery store...
