August 05, 2012

Prostitutes arent human?!?! WTF?!?!

yesterday, as i was driving to pick up my children from their week of being on spring break with their grandparents, i was listening to this particular show on Sirius XM.....this show is something i (used to) listen to alot on long drives...the main person on this show is a little on the *EXTREMELY* conservative side which is weird because of the fact that its Cosmo Radio..........Cosmo Radio is the sister station to the actual magazine...

What boggles my mind is how someone like this, who works for *THIS* particular kind of radio station can be SO absolutely closed and narrow minded and just plain OFFENSIVE...

they were talking about the whole scandal that's going on with the Secret Service agents and military down in Columbia...she was saying that she would *RATHER* find out her man had had sex with some kinda "skanky girl" then a prostitute because prostitutes shouldnt even be considered human and in HER mind, they werent...

i was absolutely completely BLOWN AWAY by her stance and never have i EVER been SO pissed off at a radio, it normally takes me ALOT to get SO pissed off i boycott a show/item/whatever...but when she said that prostitutes arent HUMAN, it just made me SO irrevocably angry, i took the station COMPLETELY off my #1 preset...i will NEVER EVER listen to *that* particular show again...

What i cant understand is how someone who can work for COSMO RADIO, which is basically a SEXUAL MAGAZINE from page one til the end with *some* fashion thrown in, can be SUCH a bitch...then she posed questions on their twitter page of if you found out your man had ever had sex with a prostitute if youd break up with him....

in my opinion, WHATEVER your man did *BEFORE* you, doesnt really matter. its in the past and hes with you now.

i honestly think that since *IVE* been in that industry before and will be in it soon (stripping wise not hooking/prostitution wise), it especially pissed me off...and my opinion aside, i think the way she reacted and behaved and spoke about the sex trade, prostitution and strippers in general, on a station where they talk about sex CONSTANTLY and is geared around was completely uncalled for...

the very next subject they talked about was acrylic nails and the French manicure and whether people out there thought they were "skanky or sexy".......she was screaming and ranting and raving about how skanky they were and terrible and blah blah blah and how if any of her friends had either of them, OR both, shed "make fun of them mercilessly"......

oh, so shes a BULLY now too?!

yea, im done...

for anyone out there wondering, the show is called "WAKE UP WITH TAYLOR" on Sirius XM 109 Cosmo Radio......


Prostitutes arent HUMAN?! wtf is SHE smoking?!

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