I've been doing a lot of thinking and about what my personal values are in life, what values I plan to raise my children with and how I feel about them...They go hand in hand with our morals as human beings and what we believe in as Wiccans and a holistic Naturopathic family...
First, I feel that I must define what Holistic and Naturopathic is for us...
Holistic for us means that we use alternative means of healing ourselves when we are sick and dont depend on modern medicine like the majority of people do since "BIG Pharma" has become over run in this country....Some of the practices of alternative holistic health include, but are not limited to: natural diet and herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, exercise, relaxation,psycho-spiritual counseling, meditation, breathing exercises, acupuncture, homeopathy and massage therapy...
Naturopathic medicine is working with nature to restore health in a person.
Both of those helps us lead very healthy and happy lives because we dont rely on western medicine to heal us since a lot of it does more damage to our bodies then good...IN MY opinion and belief system.
Now, moving on, that is a very core value and belief system in my house hold and I raise my children with these values...I dont vaccinate my children for various reasons but mostly because I dont believe in putting man made medicine into their little bodies. Im not going to get into a whole political conversation about the dangers of vaccines, just that I dont believe in them.
Another value I raise my children on is the belief system of being able to choose whatever religion they want to believe in...In this house, we are Wiccan...When they are at my inlaws house's they are Christian. I allow them to take my girls to church to see the differences in our religions...They havent been exposed to any other religion at the moment, but later in life, Im sure that they will be...
One day, not to long ago, I asked my nine year old what she believes in, she said, quick as lightning, "I believe in you Mommy..."
After I giggled and hugged her so so tight for that, I asked her again, though I reworded it. I asked her if she believed in God the Goddess, and the like. I also asked her what she believed in as far as religion is concerned and she shrugged and just said, clear as a bell, "I dont really know. I guess Ill figure it out as I get older."
I smiled, hugged her, and she went to go play with her sisters....thats my girl, I said to myself.
Another value I raise my girls with is to not judge or see anyones skin color or sexual orientation as wrong and to accept them as they are. Also, to see beauty in everything and in everyone....even if theyre heavily tattooed or pierced or in some other way not "normal" looking by society's standards...
And they do. When my children play with say, a hispanic child, or a black child, a chinese child or anyone else, they dont see them as wrong like some peoples kids or some of the ways Ive seen others raise their children...They dont even see them as different... they just accept them... its very very important in our house
Since we are surrounded by the political shit that is the anti gay bashing movement, I make sure to raise my children knowing that equality among all people is SO SO important and to say that someone is wrong if they are gay, or lesbian, transgendered and the like goes against OUR values as a family...I want my children accepting and loving and kind and compassionate to all people...We will sit and watch RuPaul's Drag Race and Drag U, and (they love watching the transformation the ladies/men turn into) and we talk about it...Their favorite Queens are Raven and Jujubee and Morgan McMichaels...(If you dont know who that is, Google them, they are amazing.)...we talk about gay rights and women's rights and abortion and planned parenthood. We talk about all the ways people hate each other for stupid reasons...And I teach them to not ever ever hate anyone for the way they are.
When we watch, if they ask questions, I answer them as best as I can...And whenever they have questions I cant answer, I ask one of my many Queen friends and they give me the best answer for themselves they can.
In one episode we were watching, my nine year old asked something to the effect of if all drag queens are men. I answered her that the huge vast majority of them are, yes. And then she asked if they were all gay. Again, I said yes. And she then asked, "does that mean that all gay men dress up in drag?" to which I told her "no, baby, not all gay men, Id say maybe 1/4 to half of them...(not knowing the actual numbers, I guestimated)"...with that, she said, "Cool." and continued to watch the show.
Thats another core value that I raise my children with. They are able to ask questions with out fear they'll get berated, or talked down to because they're children. There is something I fully completely believe in and that is never talking down to children, especially gifted ones, because they ALWAYS know whats going on, even if they dont appear to.
We dont watch TV because theres crap on it and I dont believe children should be exposed to it when they really dont have to be. I encourage them to play, get dirty, to inspire creativity. Im always letting them draw, write, create, read. I would much rather them do those things then sit in front of a tv and do nothing.
My values and morals may not be what everyone believes in but thats what makes this country a beautiful place.
I also allow them the freedom to shower/bathe themselves, groom themselves, dress themselves and feed themselves. (with the exception of dinner a lot of the time, just mostly breakfast and lunch, though I have taught them to cook and trust them enough with the stove that they can cook if need be)
I grew up with parents that taught me, though my mother was abusive (and I am not), to cook, clean, do laundry etc...And I am doing the same with my girls.
They know how to make I think, 10-20 things in the kitchen at last count...they know how to do laundry (at least Lilia does, the other two are still learning), the know how to sweep, mop, clean counters, wash dishes (the right way), brew coffee/tea...I joke that if something were to happen to me, they could take care of themselves for at least a week. LOL
Ive also taken to showing them how to food shop and budget money. Ive shown them how to save money.
All of these things are core values to me, something that no-one should judge because its what I feel is right for my family.
My family is of course, above all others, my number one value. Which is why I teach them what I do....I may not keep my house scoured clean...we may not wear gucci, prada, coach and all of those other designers, but we love...with all of our hearts and it shows in their faces when the come and hug me, when they kiss me...when they draw me picture after picture of hearts, butterflies, stars and rainbows.......we have fun....I let them be kids and that is so direly important to me.
As for our morals? Well, it all kinda goes hand in hand with our values as a family....Our morals, MY morals as a parent is to teach them the difference between whats wrong and whats right in this world...and in life....And I think Im a fantastic mother because I think that they get it.
They really really do.
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